Athletes need several aspects under their control while preparing for their competitions. Preventing muscle fatigue, keeping mental focus and dealing with heavy legs and lactic acid production are crucial aspects to look after before and during that so-awaited competition.
In this article, we'll list down all the most important factors not to overlook and suggest some products that will help give your 100% even during the most demanding competitions. Let's delve into the "Peak Performance" subject without further hesitations.
Factor 1 - Muscle Fatigue & Heavy Legs
Each of us has our way of keeping away heavy legs, fatigue and pain. We talked about it in an article dedicated to pain control.
Dean Karnazes taught us a great lesson regarding pain and fatigue control, but not all of us are ultramarathon runners with decades of experience. "Common" athletes can rely on Anti-Fatigue Caps to neutralize ammonia build-up, "the endurance athlete's worst enemy"

Factor 2 - Mental Focus
The physical one is not the only kind of preparation you need to look after. To fully prepare for the competition you'll face, you shouldn't underestimate a strong mindset.
Mental preparation is as necessary as physical readiness. We can recommend a product that, apart from reducing warm-up time, raising energy levels, increasing cardiovascular capacity, and preventing lactic acid build-up, also improves mental acuity! It's called Fully Charged, and you can consume it before or during the competition to guarantee long-lasting & brighter performance.

Factor 3 - Energy Production & Power Output
Dosing the power output is a skill that athletes will eventually master year after year. You don't want to burn all your energies at once and not be able to reach the end line. Many competitions require weeks (if not months) of preparation. But what about THAT competition where you want to impress the audience, the sponsors or family and friends? On such occasions, the best push is Race Day Boost!
If you intend to meet or exceed your race day expectations, you must have Race Day Boost in your arsenal. With this product, "4" will be your magic number. Get four capsules four times a day (a total of 16 per day), starting four days before your race, and you won't believe your own body's capabilities and energy levels!

All the products mentioned in this article are part of our top-rated kit: the Peak Performance Kit! This resourceful package provides all of the following benefits:

- Helps prevent muscle fatigue
- Promotes mental acuity
- Improves power output
- Prolongs endurance
- Boosts performance time up to 8%
- Reduces lactic acid
- Eliminates "heavy legs"
- Assists energy production
At Hammer Nutrition, we dedicate our lives and our efforts to the happiness and satisfaction of the athletes that give our products a try. But products aren't all!
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