Use prior to, during, and after workouts to satisfy the body’s electrolyte requirements with maximum precision.
Capsule Usage Instructions
Take 1 capsule hourly, increasing the dose to 2 capsules - perhaps even a 3rd capsule -as conditions dictate.
Many variables - body weight, fitness level, weather conditions, acclimatization level, and physiological predisposition - affect individual electrolyte requirements, so you must do your own trials with Endurolytes Extreme dosing, under a variety of conditions, to determine what your individual needs are.
Endurolytes Extreme DOES NOT prevent heat stroke, hyponatremia, or any other dangerous physical condition resulting from overexertion in the heat.
The amount of salt (sodium chloride) you habitually consume in your daily diet largely determines the amount of salt, you will need to consume during exercise and races. If you consume a high-salt diet, you will need to increase your hourly dose of Endurolytes Extreme above our starting point recommendation.