Take 1-2 capsules one hour before lunch and dinner. Use in a cycle of 3 weeks ON with one week OFF before starting another 3-week cycle.
Dietary Instructions Guidelines
It has been clinically demonstrated that weight loss exceeding 1 - 2,5 kg per month results in losing more lean muscle mass than body fat. In order to lose the most body fat and the least muscle mass, we strongly encourage you to lose the weight slowly, limiting your weight loss to 2,5 kg per month.
1. Reduce current refined carbohydrate intake by 50%.
2. Increase raw food vegetable and fruit intake by 25%.
3. Drink a minimum of 10 x 250 ml glasses of water per day [chose either steam distilled or bottled water that is "chlorine and fluoride free"].
4. Cease eating after 7:00 PM.
5. Reduce or omit meats [excluding salt-water and cold water fish] and dairy byproducts.
6. PERIODIC Short-term weight loss of 1 - 2,5 kg conducted in 20 consecutive days, followed by seven days NO calorie restriction before repeating a 2nd 20-day protocol.
7. Recommend no more than 0,5 kg weight loss each week.
8. Do not go below 1.500 calories per day.
9. Refer to the Food Guide Asian or Mediterranean Pyramid and Dietary Guidelines.
10. Focus on limiting fat and processed food intake rather than calories.
11. Encourage 30 minutes minimum exercise per day.
12. Include a variety of nutritionally balanced foods.
13. Minimize hunger, no-starve periods.
14. Encourage setting realistic weight loss goals and making slow, moderate changes.
15. Precedes an established lifelong "Lifestyle" protocol, balancing caloric intake with expense.
16. Remove man-made fats [TFA-Trans Fatty Acids-also know as partially or completely hydrogenated vegetable fats]; found in almost all processed baked goods.
17. Exercise activity is conducted at or below 75% VO2 Max Heart Rate.
The closer you come to adhering to these guidelines the greater success you will have.