Discover 8 Amazing Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate
Discover 8 Amazing Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

Discover 8 Amazing Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

Did you know almost half of Americans might lack enough magnesium, a vital mineral for health?1 One especially effective type is magnesium glycinate. This form is easily taken in by our bodies.1 When magnesium and amino acidglycine are combined, our bodies can use the mineral even better.

This blend, magnesium glycinate, has a lot to offer. It can help us sleep better, feel less anxious, and even recover faster from exercise. Our bones also love it. That's a lot of good reasons to consider taking it for our health.1

Key Takeaways:

  • Magnesium glycinate is a highly bioavailable form of magnesium that is easily absorbed by the body.
  • Magnesium glycinate can help improve sleep quality, reduce anxiety, support muscle recovery, and enhance bone health.
  • Research suggests that around 50% of people in the United States may have a magnesium deficiency.2
  • Magnesium glycinate is considered one of the most tolerated forms of magnesium supplementation, with minimal digestive effects.1

What is Magnesium Glycinate?

Magnesium glycinate combines magnesium with the amino acid glycine. It's known as a highly bioavailable form of magnesium,2 easy for the body to absorb. Thanks to glycine, magnesium gets absorbed better, allowing the body to use it effectively.

Highly Bioavailable Form of Magnesium

Compared to magnesium oxide, magnesium glycinate is gentler on the stomach. It's less likely to lead to digestive issues or diarrhea.2 For this reason, many people prefer it when they need to boost their magnesium levels safely.

Magnesium Glycinate vs. Other Forms

The unique bond between magnesium and glycine in magnesium glycinate is key. This bond makes magnesium easier to absorb and more friendly to the body.2 As a result, it's an excellent choice for ensuring your body gets the magnesium it needs.

Improves Sleep Quality

Magnesium glycinate is a great supplement for better sleep. It's crucial for keeping our brain chemicals in check. This includes GABA, which helps us relax and sleep well.4 So, taking this can make you fall asleep easier and sleep more deeply.4 Studies show it's especially helpful for people with sleep problems, like seniors.5 It supports our nervous system, making it easier to relax and sleep longer.

Regulates Neurotransmitters for Relaxation

Magnesium is key for our brain's chemicals that calm us down. This makes falling asleep and sleeping well easier.4

Aids in Insomnia and Restful Sleep

Studies found that magnesium, especially magnesium glycinate, is good for sleep issues, particularly in older folks.5 It helps our nervous system work better, promoting a peaceful sleep.4


Relieves Anxiety and Depression

Magnesium glycinate helps with anxiety and depression in a positive way.6 It's key in controlling how much stress hormones the body makes, like cortisol. This results in a more relaxed feeling. It also aids in making serotonin, a brain chemical that affects our mood.6

Studies show magnesium glycinate can lower anxiety. This includes mild to severe cases, like PMS, postpartum, and overall feelings of anxiousness.7 It works by fixing the imbalances in our brain chemicals and managing stress hormones. This makes it a great natural support for anyone battling anxiety and depression.

Regulates Stress Hormones and Mood

Magnesium is pivotal in controlling stress hormone levels, like cortisol. It helps the body stay calm. By doing this, magnesium glycinate can relieve symptoms of stress and low mood.6

Boosts Serotonin Production

Furthermore, magnesium is thought to increase serotonin levels. Serotonin is important for keeping our moods stable.6

Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate brings more than better sleep and mood. It helps muscles recover and lowers tiredness. This is done by controlling muscle movement and boosting energy use to boost your energy levels. Magnesium is key for making proteins and fixing torn muscles after workouts. It stops muscles from cramping too. Plus, it's vital for making ATP, which boosts muscle work and cuts down on feeling worn out.

For bones, magnesium glycinate is a champ. It makes sure the body takes in calcium and vitamin D well.2 And it's part of what keeps our bones sturdy. Also, it makes our immune system stronger by helping white blood cells fight off bad stuff.

Having problems with pain? Magnesium glycinate might help, especially with PMS and headaches. It's good at lessening swelling and balancing brain chemicals.2 That's why it's a solid choice for easing ongoing pain and bad headaches.

Supports Muscle Recovery and Reduces Fatigue

After tough workouts, magnesium glycinate can aid in muscle recovery. It also cuts down on feeling super tired by helping muscles work better and using energy well.2 It helps make proteins and fix muscle tears, which is crucial after exercise. It also keeps muscles from getting too tight and sore. And, it's a big part of making ATP, the main energy our bodies use.

Promotes Bone Health and Density

Magnesium glycinate helps bones by making sure we get enough calcium and vitamin D. These are vital for strong bones.2 It's a key part of our bones too. This keeps our skeleton strong and reduces the risk of breaks and osteoporosis.

Enhances Immune Function

Magnesium glycinate boosts our immune system by helping white blood cells work better. This lowers our chance of getting sick.2 It's great for those wanting to keep a strong defense against illness.

Reduces Pain and Migraine Symptoms

If you're in pain, magnesium glycinate might offer some relief. It's good at minimizing different types of aches, like those from PMS or migraines, by fighting swelling and regulating brain signals.2 It's a good natural option for pain management over common drugs.

Deficiency and Importance of Magnesium

Magnesium is vital for many body functions, but lots of people might not get enough. Around 50% of Americans could lack magnesium. Shortage happens because of poor diet, not absorbing well, or medical issues.2

Prevalence of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is an essential mineral but almost half the U.S. doesn't have enough magnesium, as per guidelines from 2015.1 This affects men over 70 and teenagers the most. Also at risk are those with stomach problems, diabetes, alcohol issues, and older folks.1

Groups at Risk for Deficiency

Signs of not enough magnesium include loss of hunger, muscle cramps, heart issues, and seizures.2 How much you need depends on age and gender, but adults usually need 300–420 mg daily.2 Not drinking enough or chronic health problems can lead to deficiency.2

Changing your diet and adding magnesium supplements, like magnesium glycinate, can help a lot. It's key for good health and avoiding problems.2

Deficiency and Importance of Magnesium

Natural Sources of Magnesium

Magnesium comes from several natural sources of magnesium. With the right magnesium-rich foods, you can reach your daily intake. Great sources are dark green, leafy veggies like spinach and Swiss chard. Also, don't forget about nuts and seeds like pumpkin, chia, and sesame. Whole grains, legumes, and fish like halibut are excellent too.8 Plus, fruits like bananas, dried figs, and blackberries have a lot of magnesium.8

Choosing organic and less processed foods is best. They have more of the minerals your body needs, such as magnesium.8 Including these magnesium-rich foods helps you get enough magnesium every day without extra pills.

Food Source

Magnesium Content


157 mg per cup (cooked)

Pumpkin seeds

156 mg per ounce


80 mg per ounce


58 mg per cup (diced)


45 mg


118 mg per cup (cooked)

Black beans

120 mg per cup (cooked)

Adding these magnesium-rich foods to your meals is a smart move. It helps you get the magnesium your body needs daily. This supports your health and well-being all around.

Safety and Side Effects

Magnesium glycinate is generally safe, but you should know about side effects and precautions.2 Taking too much magnesium, even in this form, can cause problems. These may include low blood pressure, nausea, muscle weakness, and, in severe cases, heart issues.3 Usually, only people with kidney problems or those taking very high doses have these reactions.1 In most healthy adults, extra magnesium gets removed by the kidneys. But, if you have health issues or take other meds, talk to your doctor first.3 They will help you know what's safe and watch for any problems.

Potential Side Effects of Excess Magnesium

 Too much magnesium might make you feel sick and weak, lower your blood pressure, or cause an irregular heartbeat.3 Extremely high doses could even be dangerous, leading to severe heart issues or unconsciousness.3 More common side effects are stomach upset, pain, and diarrhea, similar to too much of any supplement.

Precautions for Certain Health Conditions

1 Individuals with certain health problems might need extra magnesium. This includes those with gut issues, type 2 diabetes, and those who drink a lot. Also, older people tend to need more magnesium.1 If you already have heart or kidney issues, it's wise to check with your doctor first. They can guide you to safe amounts because magnesium could affect certain health conditions, especially chronic kidney disease.

Safety and side effects of magnesium

Dosage and Supplementation

The amount of magnesium glycinate needed can change based on age, sex, and health. For most adults, the daily magnesium requirement is 310 to 420 milligrams. But, pregnant women, nursing moms, or those with specific health issues might require more.3

Recommended Dosage

Always read the label for dosage advice and speak to a doctor before taking new supplements.3 For safety, children 1-3 years old should not have more than 65 mg a day. Adults can take up to 350 mg daily. Too much can cause nausea, vomiting, or low blood pressure.3

Consulting with a Healthcare Professional

Your doctor will help figure out how much magnesium glycinate you should take daily. They can also help with when and how often to take it.3 Plus, they will check if it's safe with any other medications.3 Working with your doctor ensures you take just the right amount for your needs.

Magnesium glycinate is a type of magnesium that most people can easily use. It's a good choice for those lacking enough magnesium.2 But, always talk to your doctor before starting, to make sure it's right for you. They will give you advice tailored to your situation, preventing any issues.32


Magnesium glycinate is a top form of magnesium for better health. It helps in many ways.9 It makes sleep better, eases anxiety, and helps muscles and bones.9,10 Many people do not get enough magnesium.11 Taking magnesium glycinate can balance this. It helps your body work well.9,11 Talking to a doctor is key before taking any supplement. This helps you know what's best for you. And it moves you closer to being healthy.


Buddy van Vugt 7 July, 2024
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