Tome magnesio
Your Knees Will Love You!


According to the Arthritis Foundation:

Según la Arthritis Foundation: “Lo que a veces se llama enfermedad degenerativa de las articulaciones o artritis degenerativa, osteoartritis (OA, por sus siglas en inglés) es el trastorno crónico más común de las articulaciones y afecta aproximadamente a 27 millones de americanos. La osteoartritis puede afectar a cualquier hueso, pero ocurre más a menudo en rodillas, caderas, zona lumbar y cuello, las pequeñas articulaciones de los dedos y en las bases del dedo pulgar y del dedo gordo del pie”. [1]  

The results of a recent study [2] from the Neuroscience Institute in Italy provide some great news regarding protecting against osteoarthritis in the knees (and possibly other areas on the body). According to the researchers, “The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between dietary magnesium (Mg) intake and prevalence of knee osteoarthritis (OA), a topic poorly explored in the literature.”
783 people (approx. 60% female; 40% male) who participated in the Osteoarthritis Initiative and had an MRI assessment took part in this study. Magnesium intake was measured with food frequency questionnaires, and its association with knee OA was evaluated for an increased intake of 100 mg/day. 

Los resultados mostraron que una mayor ingesta de magnesio (es decir, un aumento de 100 mg/día) “se correspondió con un aumento significativo en el grosor medio del cartílago, en el volumen del cartílago de la tibia medial, en el volumen del cartílago y el grosor medio del cartílago en el fémur medial central y en el volumen del cartílago y el grosor medio del cartílago en el compartimento tibiofemoral medial central”.

The researchers concluded:

“An increased Magnesium dietary intake is associated with a better knee cartilage architecture, also when adjusting for potential confounders, suggesting a potential role of Magnesium in the prevention and treatment of knee OA.”

Magnesium MG & Tissue Rejuvenator

For all of the known benefits of magnesium, this one—helping to increase cartilage volume and thickness—is especially exciting for us athletes, as we use (and sometimes abuse) our knees an awful lot. With this new research having come to light, a daily Tissue RejuvenatorMagnesium Mg combination sure sounds like the ticket for maintaining healthy joint cartilage!  

¿Cuánto magnesio necesita? 

La cantidad diaria recomendada (CDR) establecida por el gobierno para el magnesio es de 420 mg al día para los hombres y 320 mg al día para las mujeres. Y aunque es un buen punto de partida en términos de optimización de la ingesta de magnesio, tenga en cuenta que, según la doctora Carolyn Dean, consumir la cantidad diaria recomendada “solo contribuirá a evitar una deficiencia absoluta”.

In his hallmark paper, “Magnesium: The Key to Health and Life,” James South writes:

"Magnesium expert Mildred Seelig discovered that for most people, at least 6 milligrams magnesium per kilogram of body weight is necessary to ensure a positive magnesium balance. This is roughly 2.7 milligrams magnesium per pound of body weight. For those under severe chronic stress, or who are engaged in strenuous work/athletic training that promotes intense sweating even higher levels might be required, up to 10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, or 4.5 milligrams per pound."

For healthier joints and so much more, Essential Mg is the answer! 

Essential Mg contains 100 mg of elemental magnesium per capsule from five highly bioavailable forms: bisglycinate, succinate, citrate, malate, and taurinate. It helps in many ways in numerous areas in human health—including healthier joints- and help protect against osteoarthritis.


Essential Mg is the ideal way to ensure that you're receiving optimal amounts of this all-important, “key to health and life” mineral.




[2] Veronese, N.; La Tegola, L.; Caruso, M.G.; Maggi, S.; Guglielmi, G. The Association between Dietary Magnesium Intake and Magnetic Resonance Parameters for Knee Osteoarthritis. Nutrients 2019, 11, 1387.

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Naomi Verboom 14 abril, 2021

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